Aromatic polyamide needle felt filter bag
Weight:750±5 g/㎡
Thickness:1.3±0.2 ㎜
Air permeability:110±10 L/d㎡·min
MD strength:≥650N/5 20㎝
CD strength:≥800N/5 20㎝
Operating temperature:≤260℃
Finishing process:Shaping、calendering、singeing、flim coating
Asphalt mixing:A large amount of smoke i semi ted during the uniform mixing of the sand,stone mixture and asphalt.After the mixing is completed,the smoke and dust are separated by the dust collector.
Ironandsteelindustry:purificationofhigh-temperaturefluegasfromlime kilns,blast furnace gas,electric furnaces,torpedo cars,converters, etc.
Aluminum industry:purification of high temperature flue gas from reverb era tory furnace in secondary aluminum smelting.
Watercarbonsludge:high-temperaturegas-solidseparationofcementin the reactor,flue gas purification of raw meal system.
Black:The high temperature flue gas pur fication of the reactor cooled to about 180°C.
Coal-firedboiler:high-temperaturefluegaspuriicationfromfluid-bed combustion boilers.